Steamed Hairy Crab in Shanghai

 My sister’s been living in Shanghai for almost 20 years so you can say she’s become an expert on Shanghainese food. I asked her to write a Shanghai food guide and she described steamed hairy crab as one of three food experiences you need to have in Shanghai.

Hairy crab

Also known as Chinese mitten crabs, Shanghai hairy crabs are medium-sized burrowing crabs that are named for their furry claws resembling mittens. They’re native to the rivers and estuaries of East Asia from Korea in the north to Fujian, China in the south.

During hairy crab season, which is around late September / early October, the city becomes abuzz with these crustaceans that are sold at seemingly every market and restaurant in Shanghai. Oddly enough, they’re even sold in vending machines!

The best hairy crabs are said to come from Yangcheng Lake but if you’re willing to spend enough, then you can enjoy these prized specimens at the top seafood restaurants in Shanghai. They can be served in mixed dishes but it’s best to eat them steamed with a dipping sauce made from rice vinegar, sugar, and ginger.


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