Hida Beef Sushi in Takayama

You’ve probably heard of Kobe Beef. It’s one of the most prized and famous wagyu beef brands in Japan. But ask the Japanese and some may tell you that Kobe Beef isn’t the best brand of Japanese wagyu. That distinction may go to Hida Beef.

Hida beef refers to wagyu produced from black-haired Japanese cattle raised in Gifu prefecture. Like Kobe Beef, it’s known for its intense marbling and juiciness. But unlike Kobe Beef that tends to be more balanced in its meat and fat distribution, Hida Beef has more fat, giving you a truer melt-in-your-mouth experience.

Takayama in Gifu prefecture is a popular stop for people making a trip to Shirakawa-go. You’ll find all types of Hida Beef dishes in Takayama – from burgers to croquettes to grilled beef skewers and onigiri.

But to truly appreciate the fattiness and superior marbling of Hida Beef, you need to have it raw. Hida Beef sushi may sound odd to some but it is incredibly delicious. The meat really does start to dissolve the moment it hits your tongue. It’s so good.


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