Chow Mein

Chow MeinChow Mein

Chow mein is the Cantonese pronunciation of the Mandarin chǎomiàn (炒面), which means ‘stir-fried noodles’. This stir-fried dish consists of noodles, meat (usually chicken, beef, shrimp, or pork), onions, and celery. For making chow mein, the noodles need to be cooked in boiling water for a while.After they cool comes the step of stir-fryin.There is an interesting story about the origin of chow mein. It is said that chow mein was invented by a woman called Shan Gu in Jiangsu Province. She was making food for workers who were building a great dam to prevent flooding of the Yellow River. She found that food went bad easily and fast in the hot weather. So, she invented chow mein, which can be kept for a longer time and is easily reheated and eaten. Since then, stir-frying has become a popular way of cooking noodles. 


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