Ma Po tofu

 Ma Po tofu (麻婆豆腐 Mápó dòufǔ ‘Pockmarked Granny beancurd’) is one of the most famous dishes in Chuan Cuisine (Sichuan food) with a history of more than 100 years. It consists of beancurd along with some minced meat (pork or beef) in a spicy sauce. The sauce is made from fermented black beans and chili paste (douban/douchi).

The inventor of Ma Po tofu was from ChengduSichuan province. She was a grandma whose surname was Chen. It is said that Chen’s face was very pockmarked. In Chinese, ma means ‘pockmarked’ and 'po’ means grandma, and so people called the dish she made Ma Po ('Pockmarked Granny’) tofu. Her spicy and fragrant dish later became a highly popular item. It was introduced to Japan and also became a popular dish there. Read more about how to cook Ma Po Tofu.


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